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1-1 mentoring in

Experience personalized guidance through our expert 1-1 mentoring sessions. Unlock your full potential in Javascript, PHP, Python and Wordpress with tailored guidance from industry professionals.

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I am Hashim, the founder of Alongside my dedicated team, we empower aspiring developers through personalized mentoring and hands-on learning virtually or here at our home of coding. We're also on the lookout for talented developers to join us in shaping the future of technology.


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Empowering Coders: Unleash Your Potential with Specialized Training.

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4 weeks
WordPress Mastery 🧑‍🏫
Unlock the potential of WordPress with our in-depth courses. Customize themes, develop plugins, and create stunning websites. Become a WordPress expert and elevate your web development skills.
Explore WordPress World
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8 weeks
Master PHP Programming 😎
Dive into PHP, the backbone of dynamic web applications. Learn server-side scripting, database integration, and advanced PHP frameworks. Become proficient in building robust and scalable web solutions.
Learn PHP
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6 weeks
Master the trio of web development: HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Craft visually appealing websites, style with CSS, and add interactivity with JavaScript. Develop responsive and engaging user interfaces.
Learn Now
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8 Weeks
Python Programming Proficiency 📊
Explore the versatility of Python, from web development to data science and automation. Master Python's syntax, libraries, and frameworks. Acquire skills for web applications and beyond with our Python courses.
Explore Python World

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Unlock Your Potential with Our Exclusive Workshops.

Embark on a transformative coding journey with our immersive workshops tailored for every skill level. Whether you're taking your first steps in coding or aiming to master advanced techniques, our workshops offer unparalleled depth and insight. Dive into solving coding-related problems, overcome challenges, learn new concepts, and engage in stimulating discussions. It's not just education; it's an experience designed to elevate your skills to new heights.

Professionals I've had the privilege to teach internationally!

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30 minutes
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*Each session 30 minutes long
Purchase Plan
  • Real-world relevance
  • Hands-on practice
  • Helpful resources
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60 minutes
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*Each session 60 minutes long
Purchase Plan
  • Real-world relevance
  • Hands-on practice
  • Helpful resources
  • Extended Q&A and Discussion after the class
  • 40 minutes of live session for career counseling